At the recent virtual Board of Directors meeting, actions to protect our members from Covid-19 were considered. As you may know, exposure is predicted to spike in June and both the CDC and government have recommended canceling events with 10 or more people.

As a result we determined it was prudent to suspend all recruitment activities and cancel both Kick Off Night and 2020 Spring Training. Should the situation change, we can reconsider and perhaps institute modified training activities to enable us to bring our current class of applicants into the fold of patrolling members. We are working on plans to keep them engaged and familiar with our training materials.

As you know, the Forest Service has suspended all volunteer activities and we are not allowed to conduct patrols until further notice. Forest Service staff are working from home and the Visitor Center is closed.

A number of other PWV spring activities have been canceled or postponed. Those events include:

  • Affiliation Gatherings
  • KIN training
  • KON
  • Stock Evaluation
  • New member interviews
  • AGL training
  • Role Player training
  • Mentor Training
  • Recertification
  • Supplemental training (Wildflowers canceled, Tetonic Tuesday’s TBA)
  • Spring Training

I am asking event coordinators to keep the online calendar updated so that will continue to be a resource for members.

Committees may continue to meet, but virtually if social distancing can’t be maintained.

Members due to recertify this year have been given an extra year by the USFS, so will be able to patrol this season when we are again allowed to patrol.

You will soon hear of a new program we are launching to help fellow members who are housebound - Another manifestation of how wonderful are our volunteers!

PWV is a strong and viable organization and we will endure these difficult times. In the meantime, stay safe, take a hike, and be ready to amp up your patrolling as soon as we are allowed.

Best wishes,


Elaine Green
2019-2020 Chair